Keep up to date with the latest Andrew Granger & Co news
Fri 10 April 2020
The landmark project handled by the firm’s planning and development team took four years to come to fruition and culminated in a multi-million-pound deal with a national housebuilder in February (2020).
Several Green Belt sites had been ear marked by Rushcliffe Borough Council to cater for the need for housing in the area with the client’s site being deemed the most appropriate site within the Rushcliffe Green Belt Review to develop in terms of the five purposes of the Green Belt, as set out in the NPPF and the criteria in Core Strategy Policy 4.
The planning team worked with a range of experts in technical matters including highways, drainage, ecology, landscape and visual impact, noise and archaeology in order to prepare and submit an outline planning application to Rushcliffe Borough Council in 2016.
The initial application was refused in 2017 based on reasons relating to planning policy, highways impact and noise impact from a nearby dog kennels.
Following a planning appeal submitted by Andrew Granger & Co on behalf of the client and a four-day public inquiry held in April 2018, outline planning permission was granted.
The planning team continued to co-ordinate the marketing of the site, interview the prospective purchasers with the client, liaise with the solicitors and keep everyone informed until the sale of the site formally completed in February 2020.
Andrew Granger & Co have been established for over 30 years in Leicestershire with offices in Leicester, Loughborough and Market Harborough.
For more information please visit or call 01858 439090.