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Are you looking for a valuation of your property that unlocks its full financial potential?

Fri 4 October 2019

A house valuation became a much bigger project for Andrew Granger & Co when Peter Buckingham, the director of sales at the Market Harborough office went to value a property in Desborough, Northamptonshire.

When Peter visited the property, he felt the plot that the property stood on offered planning potential, so the Andrew Granger & Co planning and development team were brought in to advise on the situation.

Following an inspection of the site and ownership documents, the team determined that the site could comfortably accommodate a development of three new properties, in addition to the existing house.

However, the new properties would have to be accessed via a private drive, currently owned by an adjacent developer. At the agreement of the client the planning and development team submitted a pre-application enquiry with a supporting feasibility layout, produced in-house, to Kettering Borough Council and undertook discussions with the developer in question regarding obtaining a right of access to serve the proposed development site.

The initial response received from Kettering Borough Council through the pre-application discussions was positive in respect of the proposal complying with local planning policies, and constructive discussions were had with the adjacent developer.

The planning team advised the client on the costs of a planning application and the timescales involved and were instructed to proceed with the work, along with negotiating the right of access to serve the development site.

Following the client’s instruction, the planning team proceeded with preparing an outline planning application which involved bringing in relevant external consultants to look at the access to the site and architects to draw up the site layout.

The application was submitted to Kettering Borough Council, including preparing the relevant application forms and design and access statement and the team managed it through the determination process and on to obtaining the full planning consent at the planning committee meeting.

The original property and building plot with full planning permission for three dwellings went on the open market for sale in August 2019 as either one or two separate opportunities.

Talking about the process, the client said: “I was very grateful that Andrew Granger & Co highlighted the property’s full potential to me.

“It may not have been something I’d have ever considered and I certainly wouldn’t have known where to start with the whole process.

“To have someone handle all of it from start to finish and guide us through it has been invaluable.”

To discover the planning and development potential within your property please contact our sales or planning teams on the following numbers for your free initial meeting:

Leicester property sales – 0116 242 9922

Loughborough property sales – 01509 235534

Market Harborough property sales – 01858 431315

Planning team – 01858 439090