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Wymondham set to welcome further new housing with the help of Andrew Granger & Co.

Fri 26 May 2023

Andrew Granger & Co. are very happy to have secured outline consent for 24 new homes to be built within the Leicestershire village of Wymondham – the latest chapter in the allocated growth set out by the Neighbourhood Plan.

Following on from recent success in the redevelopment of a key brownfield site elsewhere in the village, the Planning and Development team at Andrew Granger & Co. (AG & Co.) have guided a long-standing landowner client through the planning process over several years – from initial discussions with the Parish Council through to obtaining planning consent, following a suite of technical surveys.

Chris Green, one of the Associate Planners at AG & Co. and lead on the project, explains a little more:

“The team and I worked closely with the Wymondham Parish Council from the early stages of the Neighbourhood Plan preparation and successfully secured an allocation of the site for development within the current plan period. Early engagement allowed us to fully understand the true constraints and opportunities presented by the land and the village as a whole.”

An extensive range of exploratory surveys and investigations were then undertaken – from highway speed surveys and archaeological trial-trenching to assessments of housing character and density throughout the village – prior to the formal submission to Melton Borough Council.

With the site at the heart of the village benefiting from a further allocation through the Melton Local Plan, in March 2023 the Members of the Melton Planning Committee resolved to approve the scheme in line with Planning Officer recommendation, subject to the conclusion of a Section 106 Agreement.

In addition to the new market homes and Biodiversity Net Gain in excess of the soon to be mandatory 10% requirement, the development will deliver 40% on-site affordable homes including social/affordable rent and shared ownership, as well as almost £200k in financial contributions to local amenities and services – including schools, libraires and local GP surgeries.

If you need any help or guidance in unlocking the potential of your land, through Neighbourhood Plan promotion or in the short term, please get in touch with our team for an initial consultation and appraisal. Alternatively, find more information at